ChristianaCare has been a top-rated academic medical center for more than a century. Our progressive curriculum prepares residents to excel in foot and ankle surgery, trauma treatment, sports medicine, and biomechanics.
Podiatric medicine has a rich tradition in Delaware and is well integrated into the general medical community. ChristianaCare’s 36-month PMSR/RRA Residency Program provides a balance of academic coursework and clinical experience to ensure that our residents leave the program with the skills and experience in all aspects of foot and ankle care and reconstructive surgery. Our program is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) and has been granted the added credential in Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery.
Our program provides excellent and intensive training in inpatient consultation and management of patients within a hospital setting. The Podiatric Surgery Service at ChristianaCare is extremely busy and each resident spends time within the inpatient and emergency facilities at both Christiana and Wilmington Hospitals, allowing the PMSR/RRA residents to become confident in the management of inpatients with a wide variety of foot and ankle ailments.
Our residents enjoy working with a highly-accessible and dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a diverse patient population.
Podiatric externship
ChristianaCare offers a month-long externship for students from all colleges of podiatric medicine. The clerkship focuses on podiatric surgery, patient care (primarily through the Community Podiatric Center) and hospital-based medicine. Externs work under the direct supervision of the PMSR/RRA residents and podiatric attendings.
Students participate in all conferences, lectures and workshops. Externs make two formal presentations during their clerkship, are treated in a professional manner, and are an important part of the teaching environment.
Sample schedule

Sample block schedule for ChristianaCare Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Residency Program