Conferences and Didactic Curriculum
The Department of Medicine offers a broad range of educational activities to meet the needs of our learners with a focus on clinical practice and preparation for the ABIM exam (“the boards”).
Residents have the option of using protected time, in addition to vacation, to attend an annual off-site national conference. Funds are available to help cover tuition and travel expenses.
Core curricular elements include:
Academic Case Conference
A case-based discussion in a “morning report” format, led daily by the chief resident along with faculty, to include a discussion of clinical cases, board review questions, and occasional time in the simulation center.
Core Lecture Series
An 18-month rolling curriculum of general internal medicine and medicine subspecialty topics are presented three times weekly during the noon hour.
Intern Report
A resident-developed weekly didactic session for interns and medical students, led by upper year resident facilitators with faculty mentorship available. These case-based interactive sessions are designed to improve clinical reasoning and medical knowledge.
Board Review
Residents are provided with free access to MKSAP and NEJM Knowledge +. Senior residents participate in a weekly Board Review series.
Academic Half Day
A small-group interactive conference focused on core primary care topics. A longitudinal QI curriculum, population health time, and “resident as educator” topics are also woven into this series. This time is protected from clinical activities for all residents on ambulatory blocks.
Medical Grand Rounds
A one hour weekly lecture series attended by students, residents, and faculty. Local, national, and international experts present topics of interest for our community of physicians.
Simulation Curriculum
At our state-of-the art Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center, residents participate in procedure training, code and rapid response team training, and can also practice patient/team communications and physical exam skills on both simulators and standardized patients.
Resident/Fellow Quality and Safety Journal Club
An institution wide journal club that covers current topics relevant to quality and safety.
Specialty Conferences
A variety of specialty specific conferences available such as Cardiovascular Grand Rounds, Division of Hospital Medicine, Chest, and Infectious Disease.
Teaching Opportunities
ChristianaCare is the largest teaching affiliate of the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University and is also a branch campus site for the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Residents play an important role in teaching students at all levels in both inpatient and outpatient settings.