Acute Care Surgery (ACS) is an evolving specialty with three essential components – trauma, critical care and emergency surgery. A fellow may elect to complete a non-accredited second year of training to accrue necessary experience in emergency surgery and elective general surgery in accordance with guidelines from the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST). Clinical experiences within the three essential components will be distributed throughout the two-year training period and can be tailored to the fellows needs while abiding to AAST recommendations. ACS Fellows will be provided with perioperative and operative experience in in a wide range of surgical expertise, with an opportunity to participate in the diagnosis, management and treatment of neurosurgical and orthopedic injuries. Fellows may choose to do additional elective rotations as listed in the fellowship. Endoscopic experience is embedded in the training, including bronchoscopy, endoscopy and colonoscopy. Fellows will take Emergency General Surgery and Trauma call sufficient to provide excellent training experience in balance with opportunity for research and self-study.
Currently, Christiana Hospital is applying for AAST accreditation of the second year ACS Program.